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What I have been doing

Today on the cover of the weekly science section of the New York Times, I have a story, Unearthing Prehistoric Tumors, about the antiquity of cancer, which has probably existed since the first multicellular creatures slithered on earth. Several people have asked what I have been doing while away from The Santa Fe Review. The Times article is a sample of what I will be writing about in a new book about the science of cancer to be published eventually by Knopf in the United States and Bodley Head in England. I will post updates on my progress along with (I hope) more communiques on life and politics in Santa Fe. So many things have been happening and I just haven’t had time nor will to write about them. The other reason for my absence is a divorce, unwanted and unexpected. It will take awhile for life to seem interesting again.

Almost two years ago I wrote about my aversion to blogging (please see My Anti-Blog). I was an early adopter of the Internet. Since the mid 1990s I have had my own Web site, coded entirely by hand, describing my books and providing biographical information and links to my newspaper and magazine stories. Why would I also want a blog? And why would I need Facebook? Anyone could find me with a Google search, and my email address is on my web site.

Gradually I am becoming less hardcore. I now have a mostly private Facebook page, which I use to keep in touch with friends and colleagues, and lately I have been thinking of starting a blog about some of the amazing things I have been discovering about cancer. This post is a way of sticking a toe in the water.

Merry Christmas and New Year.

George Johnson

Venice Beach, Thanksgiving, 2010
