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There was an orange sign taped on the door of the McDonald’s on Pacheco Street: Please Remove Halloween Masks Before Entering Restaurant Thank You! When did the holiday become so dangerous? Or at least its perception. In 1984, James Huberty walked into a McDonald’s in San Ysidro, California and gunned down 21 people before he […]


The new Santa Fe Review is now online. The Santa Fe Review


Movie Madness

I feel a little foolish having become so exercised over the disappearance of the Burrito Company, only to learn that it has been temporarily commandeered by Hollywood. (Please see above.) I remember a similar incident, a few years ago, when my wife and I passed through Madrid on the way home from Albuquerque. The town […]


The Burrito Company

I haven’t been here long enough to remember Zook’s Pharmacy, Bell’s Department Store, the Canton Cafe on San Francisco Street, or the Union Bus Depot (now the Coyote Cafe). These are among the downtown institutions whose passing marked for some longtime residents the moment when Santa Fe no longer felt like home. For me it […]


The Fierro Trial

As most everyone in Santa Fe knows, Carlos Fierro, the young lawyer whose future once seemed so bright, was convicted last week of killing a man with his car. In addition to the excellent trial coverage in the dailies by Jason Auslander and Vic Vela, there have been two thought-provoking analyses. In the Journal Mark […]



There is more good reporting (and writing) this week in the Reporter from Corey Pein, who provides a context for the Zocalo auction that has been missing from the dailies. His article, which includes scenes from a so-called “practice auction” by Kennedy Wilson, the company handling the Zocalo sale, explores the possibility that selling unwanted […]



A story in this morning’s Journal by Phil Parker clarifies some details of the Zocalo auction next Sunday. While minimum starting bids will range from $90,000 to $115,000, the “reserves” on the apartments may well be higher. A Zocalo owner told the reporter that he had been unable to sell his own condo. “The market’s […]


The Fierro Trial

As weak as it is on the business beat, the New Mexican has been providing riveting coverage of the Fierro trial, Santa Fe’s Bonfire of the Vanities. (The Journal’s reports have also been excellent.) Mr. Fierro, a local lawyer with political connections, was driving blind drunk with his headlights off when his black BMW struck […]


Eddie Gilbert

After my previous post I was reminded of another of Santa Fe’s mighty, Edward M. Gilbert, described a couple of years ago in New Mexico Business Weekly as a friend of Mr. Tishman’s and an investor in Zocalo. Fans of classical music may recognize the name as part of “Eddie and Peaches Gilbert,” who are […]



The New Mexican finally got around to covering the Thornburg story last Friday, but it wasn’t worth the wait. The editors might as well have run a wire service rewrite from the AP. No details or insight were offered beyond what others had already reported. All the flattering stories about Thornburg the New Mexican has […]
