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 Posted: Thursday, March 11, 2004 by: David Pfeffer,
 Councilor, District One

 The following is the full text of my statement before the
 City Council, March 10:

 The 2004 municipal elections are over. Despite the efforts
 of able challengers, as you know, all incumbents have been
 returned to their seats. Congratulations to the victors.

 In a free country, it is not wise to argue with the ballot
 box. But prior to an election, it is not wise to stay

 I did not stay silent. I, as have others, actively
 supported those candidates who I thought would serve best.
 I made no attempt to hide my participation.

 As part of that support, I reviewed for accuracy the
 positions and votes taken by Councilors Bushee, Heldmeyer
 and Chavez on several important issues. These were listed
 in a full page ad placed in a local newspaper on February
 29 by the newly formed citizens' group, Santa Fe Grass
 Roots. Protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, the
 record stated in that ad is, to the best of my knowledge,
 fully accurate.

 I did not review the final copy before it went to press. My
 understanding was that it would contain the usual
 information required of a political ad, but in the end it
 lacked a phone number. Santa Fe Grass Roots has since
 registered as required with the City Clerk, phone number
 and all.

 Freedom of speech, assembly and the press are too often
 taken for granted in America. But they are at risk. While
 this government may investigate Santa Fe Grass Roots'
 compliance with local ordinance, one would have to demand
 that such investigation include all citizen complaints and
 not just those of one side only. Freedom goes both ways.

 Complaints may already be brewing, concerning, among other
 things, the actions of private citizens, to determine if
 these people's published material, focused on the election,
 constitutes campaign material supportive of Councilors
 Bushee, Heldmeyer and Chavez while presenting highly
 questionable personal attacks on their opponents, including
 other private citizens. An investigation would also
 determine if such activity constituted political action
 requiring registration with the City Clerk. However, no-one
 from this group registered or posted any phone number on
 the material. In my own view, everyone has every right,
 within the limits of decency, to print whatever they want.

 Many other complaints have arisen during this campaign,
 some aimed directly at those who eventually won.

 If this is to be a one-sided investigation only, vengeful,
 divisive and dangerous intimidation reminiscent of
 McCarthyism would scare an otherwise free people into
 silence. Under such threat, it is hardly surprising that
 folks want their identities kept secret, as if we lived in
 some socialist paradise.

 If the council determines to conduct an investigation only
 of Santa Fe Grass Roots, I will not participate in that
 vote. If an investigation is to be conducted not only of
 one group but based on all complaints from all sides of the
 election, I will vote for it.

 Instead of pretending that we are all one big happy family,
 perhaps we should finally admit that there are big
 differences of opinion on the council and that, around many
 issues, at least one block of councilors has formed. In
 some ways, though certainly not in all, we are more
 partisan than we are non-partisan. This is not necessarily
 a bad thing.

 One would hope that those returned to office would be
 grateful and satisfied that they have been entrusted with
 the opportunity to continue to serve, for the government
 belongs to the people. If there is anger left over from
 this election, direct it at me or at any others on this
 council who might be suspected of having had the audacity
 to oppose those seeking reelection. Such anger must never
 be directed at members of the public who were merely
 practicing their constitutional rights.

 This whole episode has been painful for the public to watch
 and I am sorry for the way I have contributed to that pain.
 But I make no apology for fighting for what I believe is
 best and I sincerely hope all the people of Santa Fe demand
 that their voices be heard and that their God-given rights
 be aggressively guarded against any excess of governmental