Subject: An Answer for Short Term Rentals?? Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 08:32:21 -0600 From: "KATZ, FRANK D" To: "CALVERT, CHRIS","BUSHEE, PATTI J.","HELDMEYER, KAREN R.","WURZBURGER, REBECCA D.","CHAVEZ, MIGUEL M","TRUJILLO, RONALD S","ORTIZ, MATTHEW E.","DOMINGUEZ, CARMICHAEL A", "COSS, RON D." As this weeks Council meeting attests, the solution for short term rentals is elusive. Councilor Wurzburger has worked incredibly hard to find a system that would work, but at each turn, new problems crop up. In striving toward an answer, we must answer two main questions: 1. Where do we draw the line between short term rentals that should continue and those that should cease? 2. Where do we draw the line between where new short term rentals should be allowed and where they should not? As we describe that line, we must stay constitutional (we can't say only locals can rent short term, or only men or only Hispanics or only Jews; and it may well be considered an unconstitutional taking to say those renting before the 2002 ordinance amendment cannot continue for some period for amortization). We must remain mindful of the administrative burden that drawing that line will impose. And most important, the line has to be objective.
Fortunately, we have 2 months, not 40 minutes. Frank